Move your audience with omnichannel marketing

Move your audience with omnichannel marketing

The old adage goes: You only get one chance at a first impression. But studies show that it actually takes 6-8 impressions to convince a potential buyer to answer a call to action. Six to eight shots. That’s not bad – but you need each one to count. That’s where an...
“Imaginary friends” can guide your advertising

“Imaginary friends” can guide your advertising

Did you ever have an imaginary friend growing up? Psychologists have come to realize that having imaginary friends while growing up is a normal part of social-cognitive development and can help kids practice their budding social skills. Imaginary friends can help your...
Here’s why native advertising works so well

Here’s why native advertising works so well

In today’s digital landscape, we’re constantly bombarded with irrelevant ads. That’s why it’s important to seek out innovative ways to engage with your audience that feel organic and relevant. One way to do that? Native advertising. It’s a digital ad format we use for...
Forecasting success with weather-based advertising

Forecasting success with weather-based advertising

Have you gotten up in the morning, drawn open your blinds to see a dazzling sunny day, and decided to go to the park? Or maybe the sky turned gray, sheets of rain poured down, and all you wanted was a steaming mug of tea in a cozy armchair. The weather can influence...
Third-party data gets first place in effectiveness

Third-party data gets first place in effectiveness

Let’s face it: advertising is not what it used to be. Whatever you think you may know may be obsolete with the next algorithm refresh or technology update. And third-party data is one of those rapidly changing technologies. Its many-pronged strategies for collecting...
What agency works best for you?

What agency works best for you?

We’ve discussed how an ad agency can ensure success for a big campaign and how an internal marketing team can partner up with an ad agency to form a dream team. Now, let’s compare and contrast the differences between working with an external agency and assembling your...