The old adage goes: You only get one chance at a first impression. But studies show that it actually takes 6-8 impressions to convince a potential buyer to answer a call to action.

Six to eight shots. That’s not bad – but you need each one to count.

That’s where an omnichannel marketing strategy can really help.

What is an omnichannel marketing strategy?

Sometimes called cross-channel or multichannel marketing, it uses a variety of conduits to reach customers. Think of it as a complex digital campaign that includes numerous layers such as connected TV, digital radio, display and native, digital out-of-home. This approach makes it possible to target your potential customers on multiple channels and devices – even multiple locations – to really hammer your message home. Customers on multiple channels (think scrolling on social media while listening to a podcast) will receive your message many times through different avenues. And the more you see something, the more it’s on your mind. Plus, it casts a wider net to reach more people.

And retargeting efforts through omnichannel marketing? A breeze. When you buy omnichannel spots, it’s so much easier to retarget the same people and reach them repeatedly with a consistent message.

One of the things we love most about omnichannel marketing is that we can actually track conversions accurately. We can use your historic first-party data and match your past customers’ information to an ad interaction (which means you get a higher ROI). Plus, you’re able to see where your customers interact with your ads the most or where most of them are, allowing you to tweak your campaigns accordingly.

There are a lot of moving parts to an omnichannel strategy. Working with an experienced partner who is well-versed in every aspect can help you skillfully navigate the execution of your campaigns.

Ready for an omnichannel masterclass? Contact the experts at Know Advertising: An Agency of Excellence.

Contact us now.